Moonbeams Soy Candle Review

In the vast collection of items available by Earth Berry Apothecary, there is one candle that I often overlook.  This is a forgivable offense in the eyes of the company's mysterious and talented creator because it's so easy to fall in love with any of her products.  Whenever I reach for a candle or a soap I always go for one or two of my favorites, and that is astonishing considering I have dozens to choose from every day.  The fact is that we find a product that speaks to us and we swear by it.  This is a recurring theme among the hundreds of satisfied customers who frequent our shop as it has become so obvious that all of us have favorites.

If you haven't caught on by now, I live with the owner of the company and I play a humbly supportive role, yet it is her who is truly the soul of this operation.  That idea of favoritism among items is something I get to bear witness to when she is entertaining clients at our home shop.  I can see it in the eyes of each of our returning customers who are always so excited to see their favorite products in stock.  There was even a time when a product that I was hooked on was temporarily unavailable and I almost got emotional about it.  No joke.

The item I'm talking about today is Moonbeams and it is perhaps one of the cutest of Earth Berry's soy candles.  The Hedge Witch shows her true colors in this candle's design and there is something really special about the people who call this item their favorite.  In some ways I've always seen this character as a magical shapeshifter because of her ability to adapt so beautifully to her surroundings, but this design in particular really shows her enchantment.  That feeling carries over into the air as soon as you take off the lid, and you don't even have to light it to begin this incantation.  It's a very special item and it feels to me like a jar of fairy dust that you carry with you to call for help when you are lost in the woods.

This is an exciting time for Earth Berry Apothecary.  As we complete our first year, we have come to learn many things about what people like and honestly, Moonbeams has been a golden sparkle in the eyes of many.  I like it for especially for baths and I'm sure most would agree that it is a very relaxing aroma.  Relaxation is a long lost art and fairy magic like that which is found in Moonbeams is a nice way to calm your mind and body after a long day.


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